Annulment and divorce are two legal processes to end a marriage. But there are some differences between the two. Berber Law PLLC can help you determine the difference and decide which option best meets your needs. Berber’s team of family law lawyers is here to answer all of your questions about an annulment versus divorce!
Annulment vs Divorce
Annulment vs Divorce
Annulment is a process in which the marriage is declared invalid from its inception. In simpler terms, this means the marriage never existed. While annulments can be granted for many reasons, they are most commonly granted when one spouse was not old enough to marry, or if they had another living spouse at the time. In this case, an annulment will typically end all rights and obligations of both spouses and states there was never a valid marriage.
Divorce is a process in which a marriage is legally dissolved. Divorce may be granted on grounds such as irreconcilable differences or adultery. Once divorced, both spouses have full rights of remarrying.
A divorce is not a single document, but a process with many steps. A divorce lawyer is often needed to help with dividing property, family mediation, and other logistics. If you are granted a divorce, the record of the marriage will still exist.
Which Process Works For You?
While both an annulment and a divorce will legally dissolve the marriage, they cannot be used interchangeably. An annulment may be best for your situation if you have discovered information that would have prevented you from marrying in the first place, such as fraud, lack of consent, or a misunderstanding. A divorce may be best for your situation if you find yourself no longer wishing to remain married, but there was no information preventing you from marrying at the time.
Berber Law Divorce and Family Lawyers
At Berber Law, we can help you determine whether an annulment or a divorce is the right legal path to end your marriage. Our divorce lawyers have years of experience navigating divorce and family mediation and can assist every step of the way through the process.
If you need the top-rated family law services in Arizona, then Berber Law is the perfect partner for you.